Privacy and Data Protection (GDPR)

As a Complementary Therapist being informed by my clients regarding their health and necessary contact information is an important part of treating a client thoroughly. Any information you choose to share with me as your therapist will be kept secure and with the utmost privacy and respect.  No personal data will be shared with any 3rd party for any reason without your explicit consent. The only exception to data sharing is where there is a safeguarding concern relating to a child or vulnerable adult perceived to be at the risk of harm, in which case data may be shared with the necessary safeguarding agencies. Information from my clients is sent to me through email messages, via text messages to my mobile phone, via my website, via Facebook Messenger and other social networking platforms, directly from my Clients or through their medical practitioners whom I have been given permission to speak with explicitly from the client themselves. My laptop and smart phone are password protected, any paper client records I hold with my client’s permission in a lockable cabinet. None of this information is shared with any other person other than by my client’s explicit request. Please do not hesitate to request a copy of your own data or treatment records should you wish to obtain a copy. Information will be reviewed regularly and destroyed promptly and securely when no longer required.  At any point should you wish not to hear from Willow Holistics please let us know and your contact information will be removed immediately.